Coding with Young People

Digital making activities for 12-17 year olds

Web Programming

Make your own meme by remixing our computer-themed LOLcat.
This activity introduces HTML and CSS, two of the most important languages of the web.

Start by signing up for a free glitch account then click here to see the step by step instructions for the activity.


The microbit is a tiny programmable computer, complete with inbuilt sensors, buttons and and LED display. Try coding one with the easy-to-use MakeCode block editor in these tutorials:

Virtual Reality

It's possible to code 3D Virtual Reality scenes that you can view on a mobile phone using an inexpensive viewer like Google Cardboard. We're going to use A-frame which is based on HTML to do this.

  • Click here to get at a simple example.
  • Click the remix button to get your own version to play around with.
  • Try changing the colours of the 3D objects by changing the color value to that of another colour.

To find out more about Web VR and making scenes with A-frame, you can follow the tutorials at Frame Academy. These are very detailed and user-friendly for beginners, and include videos and code.