CoderDojo Online Resources

Help - I'm stuck!

All coders get stuck at times. But we've put together some helpful ways to get unstuck!

Hour of Code

If you're new to coding and want to see if you might enjoy it, you can try out these fun activities from Hour of Code:

  • Star Wars coding puzzle

  • Frozen coding puzzle

  • Minecraft coding puzzles

  • Code a Dance Party with your favourite songs

  • Scratch

    For brand new Scratch coders:

    START HERE: You'll need to set up a free Scratch account so that you can save your projects.

    Your Scratch username shouldn't be your real name (you could try our coder name generator if you're stuck for a good one).

    This is the link to create an account (ask a parent/guardian to help with this as the form asks for their email address).

    Now that you have an account to save your work in, here are some things you could do:

    • You can work through our Scratch Badges to build up your skills and get certificates!

    For experienced Scratch coders:

    • try some of CoderDojo Stirling's Scratch challenges.

    • if you're interested in making games you can try one of these tutorials:

    Make Retro Games with MakeCodeArcade

    • Make 8-bit style games in JavaScript or Block Editors with MakeCode Arcade.
    • Start with some skillmaps that help you build your skills and knowledge as you create various games.
    • A guide to making a Zombie Chase game from computing teacher Mr. Lovell. Start by clicking here and remixing, to get all the backgrounds and characters.
    • A set of tutorials that take you through creating a basic platformer in MakeCode Arcade then adding various game mechanics to it.
    • A guide to spotting and fixing common problems with Makecode Arcade programs

    Program in Python

  • Sign up for a free Trinket account to save your python projects in. (You'll need a parent/guardian to help with this)

  • Raspberry Pi have a new Python learning pathway where you can earn badges as you complete projects.
    • Python Pathway: Intro
    • Python Pathway: More Python
    • Each year Astro Pi run Mission Zero, a project where you submit your code to run in space on the ISS!

      1. Sign up for a free Trinket account to save your program
      2. Once you're logged in to Trinket, click here to get the starter project
      3. Click Remix at the top left of the window
      4. Follow the step by step instruction guide

      If you want to create your own 8 x 8 design for the "Choose an Image" section of the Mission Zero project you can use this digital editor Then ask your Dojo mentors for a copy of the printed grid so that you can write in the variable names representing each colour, ready to type into your code instead of one of the designs in the tutorial

    • You can ease your way into Python with Edublocks using these video tutorials

    • Turinglab's site helps you learn Python by coding a Farming robot and a Smart City.

    • The micro:bit editor also lets you switch between blocks and text, so have a look at the links in the section below!
  • Build a Website

  • Sign up for a free Trinket account to save your web projects in. (You'll need a parent/guardian to help with this)

  • Raspberry Pi have a new Web Development learning pathway where you can earn badges as you complete projects.
  • They also have lots of fun Web Development activities you can make with your Trinket account
  • Make a Gadget with Micro:bits

    A micro:bit is a small device that has buttons, leds and sensors. It can send messages to other micro:bits and control leds, motors and buzzers that are attached to it.

    (Note: the micro:bits we have in the Glasgow Libraries Dojos are version 1, so tutorials that say they're for v2 micro:bits may not work or may need extra equipment to get them to work. Check with one of the mentors at your Dojo if you're not sure).