Glasgow Libraries Coding Resources

Useful links for coders

Welcome to the resources page for coding activities for children and young people in Glasgow Libraries.

New to CoderDojo?

So that we can add you to our mailing lists to get early access to tickets can you please register your child's details on the Glasgow Life learner management system, Upshot? This only ever has to be done once for each child and should just take a couple of minutes. Thank you!

Astro Pi!

Each year Astro Pi run Mission Zero, a project where you submit your code to run in space on the ISS!

  1. Sign up for a free Trinket account to save your program
  2. Once you're logged in to Trinket, click here to get the starter project
  3. Click Remix at the top left of the window
  4. Follow the step by step instruction guide

If you want to create your own 8 x 8 design for the "Choose an Image" section of the Mission Zero project you can use this digital editor

Then ask your Dojo mentors to help you print out this grid so that you can write in the variable names representing each colour, ready to type into your code instead of one of the designs in the tutorial