Scratch - Getting Un-stuck

A really important part of coding is working out why your program isn't working the way you want it to and how to fix it. The more you practice this, the better you'll get at finding and fixing bugs in your code. You'll also get better at helping other coders fix bugs in their code! Here are some things to try...

1 - Check the Bug-Hunter's Guide

Check our list of the most common Scratch issues and bugs and how to fix them: Scratch Bug-Hunter's Guide

2 - Ask some other people

If you couldn't find what you were looking for in the Bug-Hunter's Guide, you could try asking some friends.

  1. Lots of coders keep a rubber duck on their desk so that they can explain problems to it. It might sound a bit odd, but often just explaining the problem out-loud to someone is enough to make you realise what it is.

    If you don't have a rubber duck around you could try our online version!

  2. If that didn't help, ask a couple of the other coders at your Dojo. They might have seen the problem before and found out how to fix it, or be able to help you look for a solution.

3 - Ask a mentor

If you've tried looking online, asking the duck and asking some other coders and the bug is still nowhere to be found it's time to see if one of the mentors at your Dojo can help!

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